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The Courage to Code

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

It felt like I never had the courage to start. I was constantly thinking that I’m not ready yet, that I have to continue reading and make sure that when I start coding, I would have enough knowledge that would make my first website impeccable. It stayed that way until I was approached by my very first client. I was just 26-years old. I knew I had enough knowledge to build a full-fledged website, but I was afraid about how the final result would come out. I finally made the decision. I had no idea if I would be able to achieve all the features requested by the client, since I had never built a website before. But I took the project, and challenged myself to do it — and I did.

I went outside my comfort zone, and I did what I thought is unachievable. It wasn’t perfect, but ever since that very first project, I felt like there was nothing that could stop me from moving ahead.

I want to give you some personal advice that I wish I had thought of in the early stages of my web development career. It’s not just to encourage you to get started, but to also show you what I believe could be a process cycle you could use to keep yourself motivated, and grow to become self-sustainable and start by making a brand of yourself on the web.

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