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Innovation in Real-Time

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

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Through a combination of innovative technologies and more robust data, many businesses are undergoing what's known as a digital transformation. The data coming in – from many different sources – is being used to upgrade processes, products and strategies.

As this type of transformation becomes more rampant, many organizations are starting to realize that the data must be utilized properly, as opposed to simply being collected and stored. Raw data is essentially useless until it can be analyzed and processed, at which point valuable insights are extracted.

This extracted data is being used differently across many industries. In manufacturing, for example, data is used to improve operations by making machinery, processes and even personnel more efficient. This boosts the output of products and goods, all of which contributes to a stronger revenue stream.

But in healthcare, data is used much differently. It's meant to strengthen patient treatment and increase the effectiveness of medical care.

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